OceanView Auto and Marine
Automotive and Marine Cleaning Specialists
Auto Services
Complete Package is the Real Deal. This is the ideal detail for anybody looking to restore their car back to its showroom glory, sell or maintain their spot as the king of the roads.
Time: Up To 4 Hours
The Process:
Pre-Wash Spray, to help with bug and road waste removal
Underbody Clean and Wash
Double Soap and Scrub, with specialty car soap, wax and polish
Iron Remover Scrub
Clay Bar Scrub
In-Depth Wheel Scrub and Shine
Glass and Paint Wipe
Towel and Chamois Dry
Spot Removal
Window and Tire Shine
Full Interior Vacuum
Compressed Air Blow-Out
Leather and Fabric Conditioner
All surfaces scrubbed with Specialty Cleaners and Soft Brushes
All Glass, Infotainment Systems and Plastics polished
Final Vacuum
Door Frames and Window Sills cleaned
Deodorise Interior
Exterior Detail is our full length exterior detail, ensuring that the car looks straight off the showroom floor.
Time: Up To 2 Hours
The Process:
Pre-Wash Spray, to help with bug and road waste removal
Double Soap and Scrub, with specialty car soap, wax and polish
Iron Remover Scrub
Clay Bar Scrub
In-Depth Wheel Scrub and Shine
Glass and Paint Wipe
Towel and Chamois Dry
Spot Removal
Window and Tire Shine
Interior Detail is our full interior detail, to ensure you're always sitting in the comfort you paid for.
Time: Up To 2 Hours
The Process:
Full Interior Vacuum
Compressed Air Blow-Out
Leather and Fabric Conditioner
All surfaces scrubbed with Specialty Cleaners and Soft Brushes
All Glass, Infotainment Systems and Plastics polished
Final Vacuum
Door Frames and Window Sills cleaned
Deodorise Interior
The Simple Scrub is our base level car clean.
Time: Up To 1 Hour
The Process:
Pre-Wash Spray, to help with bug and road waste removal
Soap & Scrub, with specialty car soap and soft brushes/mitts
Towel and Chamois Dry
Spot Removal
Window Shine
The Simple Scrub is our base level vacuum
Time: Up To 1 Hour
The Process:
Vacuum all footwells, seats, and surfaces
Wipe down of all surfaces, infotainment and dash cluster
Spot removal
Rubbish Removal
Marine Services
To Arrange a Quote or Book Marine Services Please Call or Email us!
Ph: 0418 942 430 or 0499 027 010
Email: oceanviewam@gmail.com
Become a Member
Say goodbye to the hassle of keeping your car or boat spotless. With our membership program, you’ll enjoy premium cleaning services delivered directly to you. Whether you choose the flexibility of unlimited cleans or the value of a monthly refresh, our expert team ensures your vehicle or vessel stays in pristine condition. Save time, enjoy convenience, and let us take care of the details, so you can focus on what matters most.